Postman API Testing Interview Questions Part 1

Vedant Kekan
3 min readSep 11, 2023


1. Can you explain what Postman is and its primary use cases?

Answer: Postman is a popular API testing tool that simplifies the process of developing and testing APIs. It allows developers to create and execute requests, automate testing, and document APIs efficiently. It’s widely used for testing RESTful APIs, but it can also handle SOAP, Web Socket, gRPC and GraphQL APIs.

2. How do you handle authentication in Postman for API testing?

Answer: Postman supports various authentication methods, including Basic Auth, OAuth 2.0, API keys, and more. To handle authentication, you can set the appropriate authentication type in the request settings and provide the necessary credentials or tokens. This ensures that your requests are authorized to access the API.

3. What are Postman collections, and how do they simplify API testing?

Answer: Postman collections are groups of API requests that can be organized, saved, and shared. They simplify API testing by allowing you to organize related requests, set up request dependencies, and run tests sequentially. Collections help streamline the testing process and make it more efficient.

4. Explain the purpose of environment variables in Postman. How do they work?

Answer: Environment variables in Postman are placeholders that store values to be reused across requests. They are useful for managing variables like base URLs, API keys, or authentication tokens. By defining variables in an environment and referencing them in requests, you can easily switch between different environments (e.g., development, production) without changing request settings manually.

5. Can you demonstrate how to write and run tests in Postman?

Answer: To write and run tests in Postman, you can use JavaScript-based test scripts. You can create tests in the “Tests” tab of a request, where you write assertions to validate the API response. For example, you can check the status code, response body content, or specific headers. Running tests helps ensure the API functions correctly.

6. How do you handle file uploads in Postman when testing APIs that require file attachments?

Answer: Postman allows you to simulate file uploads by using the “form-data” request body type. You can add a key-value pair where the value is the file you want to upload. Ensure that the “Content-Type” is set to “multipart/form-data,” and Postman will handle the file upload process.

7. Explain the concept of request chaining in Postman. When and why would you use it?

Answer: Request chaining in Postman involves sending multiple requests in a sequence, where the output of one request becomes the input for another. This is useful for scenarios like testing authentication flows or performing CRUD operations where the result of one request affects the next. You can achieve request chaining using Postman’s “Tests” tab and variables.

8. How can you schedule and automate API tests in Postman?

Answer: Postman provides a feature called “Monitors” that allows you to schedule and automate API tests. Monitors run collections at specified intervals and provide detailed reports on test results. This is valuable for continuous integration and regression testing, ensuring APIs remain functional over time.

9. How can I import and export curl in Postman?

Answer: Postman offers way to import and run a curl request easily, all you need is a correct curl request and use Import button and select raw type and paste curl. Postman detects and converts curl request automatically into postman request. Similarly we can conver postman request into a curl request easily as shown in video below.

10. How to share or reuse postman test cases and scripts?

Answer: In Postman, you can reuse test cases and pre request scripts with help of Environments and Eval function from Javascript. We need to encapsulate all test cases or scripts inside a function and assign this function as a string to environment variable. Later we can just use eval function to process this environment variable. You can find a demo explanation in video below.

postman api testing interview questions

If you are interested to understand postman API testing, please take a look at my Postman tutorial Playlist.



Vedant Kekan
Vedant Kekan

Written by Vedant Kekan

Exploring this beautiful world.

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